The Gift Box Test

You Are Generous With Your Love

You believe that the world needs a lot more compassion, and understanding. It’s a mean place out there.
You love freely, often, and unconditionally. You try not to see anyone as an enemy.

You think that love is the best gift you can give – and sometimes it’s not easy.
Even if someone deserves love, it doesn’t mean that he or she is lovable!

Of course not everyone is lovable but at least I can be nice.  I always try to see the best in each person I came to meet.  I believe that no matter how bitchy or unlikeable a person is there must be a soft spot somewhere in his/her heart and I love finding that soft spot.  I’m a very friendly person but I’m also frank and honest and I say what I feel though I try to say it nicely!  Guess being nice is what I gained from being a born again Christian and from being an HR and Admin. Officer.  I learned to understand people and come to terms with their good and bad attitudes.

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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