Coming for a Vacation Again

I learned that SIL will be coming again for a vacation next year and I was sad that they’re going to their hometown in Samar on March. The kids will still have classes then and we will not be able to join them. DH is the only one in their family who haven’t been in their provincial home and he is hoping that the next time they planned he will be available. Anyway they still don’t have tickets so date is not yet fixed. I also don’t know if they will rent a car because I’ve seen alamo car rental online and I was thinking if they need one. When SIL is here for a vacation she usually hire cabs on her trips to malls and some places. She’s not so comfortable with it but it’s ok with her as long as the driver is nice. If DH is available he makes sure that he drives his sister from the airport to her house and vice versa.

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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