Vertical Bookcase

For those who want to maximize space in their house to allocate cabinets and storage furniture take a look at this vertical multi-use bookcase/storage unit.  This  one can hold several books without taking so much space in your house.  It will also serve as a nice home decor with  its beautiful solid hardwood and walnut finish.  It can also be  red oak, white oak,maple, sapele,african mahogany and cherry. Found this lovely item at at CabinetreeCollection.

Here are some features of the bookcase from the maker itself and some of the numbers of items it can hold!
– Book storage: varies per book thickness (approx. ~50-100)
– DVD’s/Blu-Ray storage: up to 90
– CD storage: 124 or 248 if double stacked
– Towel/Toiletry storage in a bathroom
– Candles (Top Shelf Only)
– Pictures
– Plants

Sells at USD800.00

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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