Aspiring Nurse

My cousin’s daughter has graduated from her nursing degree and preparing now for the review. Before she even starts her review she served as an intern to one of the hospitals near our town and familiarizes herself with the hospital procedures and operations. She learned the real side of health care outside the theory of schooling. She got excited to know all the instruments used by medical professionals like cautery, operating tools, surgical instruments, various types of monitoring devices, thermometers, microscopes and various medical devices.

It gladdens me to see her as an aspiring nurse because when she was young she was a sickly toddler and her Mom and Dad were so worried at her health. When she finally overcomes her failing health she grew up wishing to be a nurse to serve and care for sick people. Her graduation was a wish granted to her and we pray that the field she chose to take will be a blessing to many people who will be under her tender care.

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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