Source: via Race on Pinterest
Love this Valentino Satin-trimmed tiered silk-velvet skirt, a break from my usual pencil cut of A-line skirt I use in my office work. Actually it’s more like an event skirt than for daily office work because of the texture and tiered style. What I love most is the stylish cut and design which you will not find in ordinary shops. Well elegant as it is I can wear something like this in my place of work. Here in PSEC you can wear various styles of dress, skirts and pants and people seem not to care what you wear. I can say this because sometimes I wear long skirt and I don’t feel different as I also see some wearing long dresses also.
In my former office employees were more casual and very few wear skirts. They always wear pants and even wear denim jeans on a Monday or first few days of the week defying the office dress code regulations haha! They still insist even after the reprimand and memorandum. Some employees really find it hard to follow office regulations