How to Make Money Through Blogging

I’ve been working for several years in a corporate office when my friend taught me how to make a blog and share my life, my experiences and everything that I want to write.  I love writing since I was in high school but I never pursue it in college because I thought that a degree in computer engineering would give better job opportunities.  True enough after college I never had hardship in landing a good job but I never got back to my love for writing.  Blogging gave me a chance to write again and  make money as well.

When I joined blogging I started to learn that there are many online opportunities that I can take just as long as I continue to post articles and various write-ups in my blog.  It should be updated enough and should have frequent visitors to maintain good statistics and readership.  I started with applying to companies that pays for sponsored blog posts and followed strict guidelines to qualify and maintain membership with them.  The companies pose in between blogger and advert and through them I started earning money writing articles, product reviews, freeform posts and a lot more.

I also joined surveys and click to earn sites when I was just starting but when I run out of time with the tasks I’m writing I gave up surveys and concentrated on writing.  There are various ways in which you can earn money online depending on your sites and capabilities. Now I’m in contact with few direct adverts who emails me for writing opportunities and it gives me assurance that paid blogging is still that strong even if the past year has been affected by economic crisis.  I had some fear last year that earning through paid online writing will decrease but now I’m positive that earning online is still good enough to help augment our financial status.

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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