Source: via Race on Pinterest
Sometimes you want to be simple and comfortable but still like to maintain being stylish in a way. Well you could do it with a little creativity on mixing casual sweater on a skirt, just be sure to pick elegant colors like grey, black or any other color that will match your shoes, your bag and of course your accessories.
Young lady here uses black skirt topped with grey sweater shirt and accessorize it with fashion accessories of white and black pearls to accentuate the colors of her outfit. She’s simply beautiful with carefree long hair and big dark bag to complete her outfit. You can do it yourself with varieties of good color combination like black shirt and beige skirt with brown or black bag or any color that you prefer.
Just be sure to mix it with matching accessories that will bring out the best of your outfit. Don’t forget to go with your fashionable bag and shoes that will not break the harmony of the whole outfit.