Succulent Stiletto Planters.

Vicious Cycle Cactus Planter

This is a size five repurposed stiletto heel, top of the shoe was removed, sanded and drilled holes for drainage, and then planted it with a little cacti guy called “stenocactus phyllacanthus” This cactus has a wavy design on its green fleshy body and fingernail-like sharp spines.

Moonshine, Stiletto Planter

This is a size 5 platform stiletto heel, repurposed as a planter. This high heel glows in the dark!  This shoe is actually a faint green or chartreuse, ecto-plasm color!  The maker removed the top of the shoe, sanded it, and drilled holes for drainage. Then,  planted it with a small cactus fellow called “ferocactus”. This little cactus has sharp, ferocious pink spines.

The cactus plant will need bright light and just a little water from time to time. In return, it’ll repay you with a stark reminder of how hard it is to…well, to be a woman.

The maker giddyspinster used only natural and organic fertilizers and soil.  These stiletto planters sell at USD60.00.  Visit them at

About race

I'm a Mom with three kids juggling between my corporate work and online writing job. This is my site about gift ideas, deals, shopping and technology.
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