It’s fun shopping for clothes, shoes and bags but for me it’s more enjoyable to shop for gadgets and musical instruments. People have different preferences and though I’m like my women friends in their passion for girly things I prefer music than those. Well as I’m a certified music lover since I reached my teens and have tried to learn playing instruments but failed because of lack of time I continued my dream with my kids. My kids are like me and they show so much interest at very young ages at 10 years old. I love seeing their interest and passion for music are just like me and I encourage them to study and join musical lessons, free or with fee.
My daughters in their school even experience joining competition where they play musical instruments just like ernie ball battle of the bands but it’s more like battle of sections where each group representative from a year level will compete with another year. Students in their school are encourage to learn musical instruments and maximize their talents in acting, singing and any other skills/talents they may have. After graduating from TUCMS they became more confident, talented and ready for any challenge that may come their way in college.